In this article I will use the notations used from the previous blog New Definitions for Neural Network Operations and discuss how the notations may change for the backpropagation process.
1. Definitions
Let us first familiarize ourselves with the standard backpropagation strategy. Our main objective is to find the optimal weights connecting to each neuron in each layer. We also note that our inputs and bias terms remain constant in each layer. Hence, if we assume the following:
Our inputs consist of ${h_0, h_1, h_2, …, h_{n-1}, 1}$ which have $n-1$ features with a bias value of $1$ in a layer $h$. The bias value of $1$ prevents a case where all input values from $h_0$ to $h_{n-1}$ are all $0$. Hence, if the sum of the products are calculated, the value of the node in the next layer will also be $0$.
${w_0, w_1, w_2, …, w_n}$ are our weights for all $n$ inputs from layer $h$.
1.1. Sum of weights and bias
Then we can obtain our prediction $y$, using the following expression:
\[y = \sum^{n}_{i=0} h_{i}w_{i}\]
If we use vectors/matrix notations, we can obtain the following expressions instead. However we will be using the “sum of products” notation:
\[y = \vec{w} \cdot \vec{h} \quad \text{or} \quad y = \textbf{w}^\text{T}\textbf{h}\]
1.2. Mapping to probability space using a non-linear Activation Function
One we obtain $y$, it’s easy to note that $y \in (-\infty, \infty)$. Therefore we need a way to normalize the values between $0$ and $1$, such that, $y \in [0, 1]$. This helps us to convert our output into values of probabilities. Functions that do such are called activation functions in the context of neural networks. These activation functions are usually non-linear. For our example, I am going to use the logistic function, also known as sigmoid function, denoted as $\sigma(x)$. Our activation function (in this case the logistic function) will take the output of the sum of our products $y$, and normalize its values in the range $[0, 1]$. This operation is as follows:
Definition of $\sigma(x)$
\[\sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}} \quad \text{ where $e$ is Euler's constant}\]
Normalizing the value of $y$
If we let $s$ be the normalized output of $y$, then:
\[s = \sigma(y)\]
1.3. Calculating error
To calculate the error between our predicted value $y$ and the ground truth $t$, we have to define an error function. In our case, we use the Mean Squared Error, defined by the function $E$, as defined below:
\[E(t, s) = \frac{1}{2} (t - s)^2\]
Note that the $\frac{1}{2}$ is not part of the mean. It is used as a constant that will be useful during the backpropagation process. Note: that this works because our ground truth $t$ is also normalized in the range $[0, 1]$.
2. Backpropagation
Backpropagation just finds the gradients of the errors of NODES with respect to weights $-$ PROPAGATING BACKWARDS to each layer . That’s it! But from our definitions above, it is clear that our weights $w$, aren’t variables in the error function $E$. Well at least, not directly. But it is there! Let’s see the breakdown.
2.1. The Gradient
We know that $s$ is just the output for the function $\sigma$. So we can, in essence, just note the implications:
\[s \Rightarrow s(y) \Rightarrow \sigma(y)\]
Ahh! But there’s more! We can also note that the variable $y$ itself is also a function. How so? Well, from our previous implications, we can also imply that:
\[y \Rightarrow y(\vec{w},\vec{h}) = \sum^{n}_{i=0} w_{i} \cdot h_{i}\]
Meaning, in essence, we can breakdown as follows:
\[E(t, s(y(w,h))) = \frac{1}{2} (t - s(y(w,h)))^2\]
Note that the above (and below) expression is just for one weight. Since we established that $h$ is constant, and we need to optimize the weight variable $w$, the following chain rule can be used to find the derivative of the error function $E$ with respect to (wrt) $w$ as follows:
\[\frac{dE}{dw} = \frac{dE}{ds} \times \frac{ds}{dy} \times \frac{dy}{dw}\]
2.2. The Update (Learning step) - Stochastic Gradient Descent
Gradient descent is an iterative formula that finds the optimal value for a function. The gradient descent algorithm is given below, where the value of $x$ that yields the optimum value for a function $f(x)$:
\[x_{i+1} = x_{i} - \eta \cdot x_{i} \cdot f'(x_i)\]
- $f’(x_i)$ is the derivative of the function $f(x)$ evaluated at point $x_i$
- $\eta$ is the learning rate. It determines how “quickly” it should try and learn (you can think of it as the confidence).
- $x_i$ is the current “optimum” value of $x$, which is used to calculate the next (hopefully better) optimum value $x_{i+1}$.
From the expression above, we can note that we are trying to optimize an arbitrary function $f(x)$ with respect to the variable $x$.
Similarly, during the backpropagation process, we are trying to optimize the error function $E$, with respect to the weight $w$.
Note that optimizing a function means either find a value that, when input in my function, gives the minimum value the function can produce (minimizing), or, find a value that, when input in my function, gives the maximum value the function can produce (maximizing). In our problem’s context, we are dealing with an error function. So naturally, we want our error to be as low as possible i.e. minimize our error function $E$.
Therefore, putting it all together, “The Update” happens i.e. our weight learns, when the gradient descent algorithm is applied. Therefore, to update our weight, we use the following expression:
\[w_{i+1} = w_{i} - \eta \cdot w_i \cdot \frac{dE}{dw_i}\]
3. Using the New Notation
Using the new notations from my previous article linked here, we can define the following variables (with very loose notations):
- $w(p_n, q_m)$ is the single weight that associates the value of the $n^{\text{th}}$ node in the current layer $p$, with the $m^\text{th}$ node in the next layer $q$.
- The output value of $\Gamma(P, W_{q_m})$, where \(P = \{p_0, p_1, p_2, ..., p_{n-1}, 1\}\) is the value of node $q_m$.
- The set function $\Gamma^* (P, W_{Q_{h-1}})$ produces all the normalized values for the nodes $A(q) \in Q_h$ for a given layer $h$.
- The arbitrary error function $E(R, Q_h)$ is used to calculate the error between the ground truth $R$ and the output $Q_h$. Note that $R, Q_h \in \mathbb{R}^{a \times b}$ for $a,b \in \mathbb{N}$.
3.1. Backpropagation
Therefore, using the above definitions, we can now write the following:
\[\frac{d E(R, Q_h)}{d w(p_n, q_m)} = \frac{dE(R, Q_h)}{dA(q_m)} \times \frac{dA(q_m)}{dq_m} \times \frac{dq_m}{dw(p_n, q_m)}\]
where $q_m \in Q_h$
This above notation captures the detailed calculation to update a simple weight $w(p_n, q_m)$ from node $p_n$ to $q_m$. But if we introduce our set-function notation, then we can calculate the gradients for all the weights $W_Q$ for a given layer $Q$ as follows:
\[\frac{dE}{dW_Q} = \frac{dE}{d \Gamma^*_Q} \times \frac{d \Gamma^*_Q}{d \Gamma_Q} \times \frac{d \Gamma_Q}{dW_Q}\]
\[\frac{d \Gamma^*_Q}{d \Gamma_Q} = \{A'(q) \quad | \quad q = \Gamma(P, W_q)\}\]
But since we know that $q \in Q$, and $W_Q$ contains all weights needed for the layer $Q$, then we can further simplify it (loosely) to:
\[\frac{d \Gamma^*_Q}{d \Gamma_Q} = \Gamma^{*'}_{Q}(P, W_Q) = A'(Q)\]
Which means the derivative of the activation function $A'$ is applied to all nodes $q \in Q$. We can also note a similar simplification for the last term as:
\[\frac{d \Gamma_Q}{d W_Q} = \Gamma'(P, W_Q)\]
3.2. Gradient Descent
Now that we have the notations clearly defined, we now have the following iterative function using the gradient descent algorithm:
\[W_Q := W_Q - \eta \cdot W_Q \cdot \frac{dE}{dW_Q}\]
4. Conclusion
The iterative expression in section 3.2 encapsulates the updating/learning of all the weights $W_Q$ in layer $Q$. It should be strongly noted that I deliberately chose to represent the function, responsible for summing the products of weights and inputs, in an arbitrary manner, in this case with the function $\Gamma$. This is because, as I have stated in my previous blog, I intend to investigate the effects of non-linear combinations of the weights and inputs.
Until next time, I am signing off…
– A A