Ariq's Personal Blog

A Life Update - A lot has changed...

Now let’s see where to begin. A lot has happened since May 1, 2024. Here is the gist of it…

I got a job!

I was working at a local ISP as an intern for two months. Then another job calling came about. This time it was a really good offer. So I switched to the new job. I am just grateful to Allah that some sort of stability is there for the time being. It’s a good position even as a trainee. The work seems quite interesting and quite different from what I had percieved a typical Computer Science related job could be like. Regardless, a job is a job nonetheless. I am just happy to finally relax (the term relax is in a superposition right now) and not have to worry about a lot of worriesome? things for the time being. Indeed Allah is the best of planners.

And the disbelievers made a plan ˹against Jesus˺, but Allah also planned—and Allah is the best of planners. — Quran 3:54

Studying Masters…

Right after the job, I started my Masters degree in Computer Science in the same university where I did my undergraduate. I must say, I am a bit surprised by the lecturers’ emotions towards graduate students. I think that if you are currently donig your undergraduate degree and you dislike a lecturer for some reason. Try to give them another chance if you intend to pursue your graduate degree in the same university. It looks like they are more flexible and comfortable with graduate students than undergraduate students. On a very important note!!! This advice should be applicable to anyone with any type of undergraduate degree in any field. Try and get some practical work exposure that is not teaching oriented (unless of course your degree is in the Ed field) in the industry. It can make a night-and-day difference when you start your masters degree. If the work environment is good enough (or busy enough), you will be able to quickly relate to a lot of topics that you’d learn during masters. This time, you will actually posses some practical knowledge about your field, and you’ll be able to appreciate the topics that are being taught.

From my workplace, I managed to learn (and am still learning) a few things and terms about basic software project management. To my surprise, during one of the modules in my course that deals a bit with project management, I actually managed (pun intended) to relate a lot of the things from the workplace. I would also highly suggest that if you have the intention to pursue your masters degree, try and keep up the momentum right after your bachelors degree. And try to pursue it while working. You won’t have any life (as currently, I technically have no life outside just work and study), but I feel like:

Get the pain over with. If you anticipate the pain and prepare for it for a long time, it is going to hurt worse when it comes. And while waiting for that pain, you’ll just be stressed and paranoid for no obvious reason.

The Banking System Research Thingy

I’ll be blunt. I just simply don’t have that extra time to research this any further at the present. So I have put it on pause for now. However, I don’t want to give “nothing”. Instead, I have linked the draft PDF of my write up. It has the background preliminaries about the different banking systems. Some technical content like the algorithms and mathematical models but I guess it’s something. You can find it in the main repository (link) or access it directly here. You’ll notice that there are no citations or refernces 💀. I am yet to find the relevant references to back up my claims.

But for now… I am signing off for the night.

— A A